Take Control Of Your Finance
Bad Credit Car Loans
This won't impact your credit score

Car Loans Approved With Bad Credit*
Get Pre-Approved for Your Car Finance Now.
Discover Your Vehicle Loan Options Today!
*Subject To Standard Lending Requirements And Responsible Lending
We Consider Everyone
Do You Have Bad Credit?
Apply Online
We have tried to keep things as simple as possible and remove unnecessary steps to the process meaning you can complete our application in little than 1 minute. No credit check is done until we have reviewed your affordability and decided the loan looks good for pre-approval. We can then give you a fast decision for your car loan.
Select Vehicle
Once you have idea on how much you are able to lend, you can narrow your search to include only vehicles within your budget. Our vehicle experts will work with you to provide options to consider from reputable dealerships we work with and our own vehicles in stock. You are also able to search our listings in advance too!
Sign And Drive
When you have decided on your dream new car and have signed our digital documents from any mobile device all you need to do is sit back and await our delivery date to your door or work. If you want to collect in person that can be arranged also once your new car has been prepared to the high standard we expect.
$0 Deposit Finance
Get approved for a car loan without having to put down any money upfront with zero deposit finance.
Fully Digital Process
The entire CarPow Loan process and vehicle purchase can be completed entirely from home or work.
Dedicated Consultants
CarPow might operate online but we certainly have real people behind the scenes to guide and support you every step of the process.
Great Outcomes
Actions speak louder than words and we think our unfiltered customer reviews most certainly show a great summary of what we are all about.
Fast Response Times
Time is precious and we certainly understand how for many customers a quick decision takes amount a great deal of uncertainty.
Constant Contact
Rest assured that you will be able to stay in close contact using a variety of communication methods to suit your needs including our direct customer portal.
Why CarPow
Bad Credit Car Loans Why Waste your time anywhere else
no obligation
Apply online with CarPow with no obligation to take out a loan
nO judgement
All credit histories and circumstances considered
Anytime, Anywhere
Apply and arrange your finance from the comfort of home.
We Have Great Answers
Ask Us Anything
In the current age of the Internet it’s very difficult to identify a finance provider or arranger who can actually carry out the service they advertise, especially if it’s a bad credit car loan. Its not difficult to put together an image for an advert that proclaims selling points such as *Approved with bad credit loans *Work visa and beneficiary no problem * We help everyone! Im sure you have seen plenty yourself and all we believe this does is dilute the message from the real companies out there.
CarPow are the real deal and can fully back up our statement to be able to offer Car Loans for bad credit. Why would we waste our time if we couldn’t?
This is one of the biggest mysteries when it comes to applying for a finance product such as a used car loan. It is possibly the very top concern of CarPow customers and can cause many people to simply not apply in the first place as let’s face it no one really likes rejection. Often those with bad credit will just not bother applying from past experience with car dealerships or high street banks who only really like those with average to great credit profiles.
We have found from our own customers that they can apply at places who simply don’t have the skills or capabilities to do what they say and it creates a kind of application apathy. Many of our real life customers had unfortunate experiences before they applied to us. It could be as simple as applying with their bank for a personal loan for a car and being told it was declined or as embarrassing as visiting a car dealership.
Let’s face it, taking your perfect car on a test drive before sitting at the salesman’s desk eagerly awaiting the approval so you can sign your loan paperwork to only be told you are unable to be accepted is high up there on the ‘ground swallow me up’ life experiences. Getting a car loan with bad credit is certainly less stressful using an online company instead of seeing some one in person.
The online CarPow application form is a start but not ALL of the process as you will see shortly. Unfortunately every month we have hundreds of applicants who start the process but continue no further. Many expect their name and address to be enough to decide the outcome of their case but no it does require a touch more involvement.
The term responsible lending can apply to any type of financial service, but most certainly bad credit car loans. The decision making process involved in approval or decline and its certainly relevant when it comes to vehicle loans.
A finance company has certain obligations in regards to allowing a customer to accrue a liability in the form of loan debt. The main focus of this is to ensure they act responsibly in granting car loan approval and carry out a certain level of investigation before doing this. This is why we require 3 full months of bank statements for all parties to a car loan as it literally shows everything being purchased or paid for – for 90 days. A lender will analyse to work out how much is being spent against how much is coming in. If the lender cannot clearly demonstrate that the new car loan wont put the customer into financial hardship – the loan cant be approved.
This usually means that before the new repayments are taken into account a person should have approx. $1000 left over.
A final part of the Bad Credit Car Loan application process is the credit check and popular opinion is that this is the most important aspect. This is not correct. A credit check mostly determines the level of risk involved to the lender as shows what has occurred on previous financial products taken out. If a customer has clearly demonstrated they can afford the loan – a credit check is secondary in the approval process.
This is why those with bad credit can secure a second chance with car loans for bad credit.
Nothing is unworkable apart from existing bankruptcy – as those who are bankrupt are forbidden from taking out new finance. Also very recent Bad Credit of car repossessions or loan defaults would need a strong explanation as to why they occurred as it does indicate an applicant is having difficulty with financial hardship.
As we have discovered financial hardship makes approving a new loan facility very hard as should this new loan default once more and is taken to court for recovery of the outstanding balance a judge will ask why it was approved.
The age of your credit file will also play a part in the strength of your application – especially if you are looking for a bad credit car loan. If it has only been active for a short time frame this is ok if you are young but suspicious if not. Questions could be asked about possible name changes or periods living overseas.
Absolutely! We understand that bad credit can be a challenge when it comes to securing financing, but we have helped many customers with less-than-perfect credit obtain car loans. We wouldn’t offer this service if we didn’t believe we could help, and we are committed to finding solutions that work for our customers. Our team of experts will work with you to find the best loan options available, regardless of your credit history.